Maria Grazia Sindoni is Associate Professor in English Linguistics and Translation at the University of Messina, Italy. She is the key person involved in the EU-MADE4ll project for Messina Unit, main applicant.
Her research interests include multimodality, digital literacy, applied linguistics and systemic-functional grammar. She published more than sixty papers in national and international journals and four books. Her book “Spoken and Written Discourse in Online Interactions” (London and New York, Routledge 2013) is the product of a 10-year research on topics such as video-mediated interaction, digital spontaneous communication, the role of English as a Lingua Franca in web-based interactions, and multimodal and socio-semiotic approaches to learning and teaching contemporary digital textuality.
She was Team Leader for the Cercles (Confédération Européenne des Centres de Langues de l’Enseignement Supérieur) Focus Group on “Testing and Assessment”, specialising on peer-assessment in European contexts. She was Coordinator of Studies of the University of Messina Language Centre, managing national and international activities and European projects in the years 2004-2006.
She is currently Coordinator of Studies for the first level degree course in “Foreign Languages, Literatures and Translation”, which is based at the Department of Ancient and Modern Civilizations, former Faculty of Humanities, at the University of Messina.
Read her profile at:
and her Routledge author’s profile at:

Sandra Petroni is Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the BA programme in Languages in the Information Society at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. This programme aims at developing skills both in foreign languages and in information and communication technology, information architecture and media design. Her research and teaching expertise focuses on Multimodal Digital Communication, English for Digital Communication, English Learning and Teaching. Along with Multimodality and Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis, her fields of research are also Applied Psycholinguistics and Language for Specific Purposes.
Recent publications include a book Language in the Multimodal Web Domain (2011) and several research articles and contributions in volumes: “Collaborative Writing and Linking: When Technology Interacts with Genres in Meaning Construction” (2014), “Cognitive and Affective Implications of Mobile Technology for Second Language Learning” (2014), “Pervasive Technologies and the Paradoxes of Multimodal Digital Communication” (2014), “Perceiving a fragmented unity: Antinomic Relations in Digitality” (2015), “Developing meta-affective skills via chatbots” (2015), “Anytime anywhere learning: if and how mobile apps enhance second language learning” (2015), “Digitality and Persuasive Technologies: New Social Actions and Practices in Digital Settings” (2016).
She is a member of diverse scientific associations and committees. She has participated in some national and European research projects and she has taken part in many international conference and workshops.
Read her profile at:
Elisabetta Adami is a University Academic Fellow in Multimodal Communication at the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of Leeds, UK. She has a PhD in English Language and Translation (University of Verona, Italy). Her research focuses on multimodal text production and communication in digital environments. She is currently developing social semiotic theories and methods for the analysis of intercultural sign-making in place, face-to-face interaction and online. Recent publications include works on multimodality and superdiversity, blogs, webpage design aesthetics, and web interactivity, on coherence in video-interaction on YouTube, on multimodality and copy-and-paste, on mobile devices and related communicative practices, and on the multimodality of social media. She is editor of the Journal Visual Communication.
Read her profile at:
Marc Rocca, Managing Director of Rocca Creative Thinking Limited
Marc Rocca has worked in the design and digital industries for over twenty years. During that time, his organisation has produced work for international audiences through clients including FMCG giant Unilever. Rocca. works with international organisations in the management of global communications.
Carmen Daniela Maier, PhD, is Associate Professor at the Department of Management, Corporate Communication Research Section, School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark.
She has published 35 internationally peer-reviewed articles and book chapters related to corporate communication, multimodality, social semiotics, knowledge communication and
sustainability ( maier(392a212b-4a84-4a1a-8d22- c5160de257d3)/publications.html).
In the field of multimodality, her research work also includes being a member of the editorial board of peer-reviewed journal, Multimodal Communication ( She is also the co-editor of Interactions, Images and Texts: A Reader in Multimodality Her latest publications include the chapter Exploring Organizational Heritage Identity: The Multimodal Communication from the book New studies in multimodality: Conceptual and methodological elaborations (
She is an active member of assessment committees for PhD, post doc, and Associate Professor positions (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Italy, Singapore, New Zealand and Hong Kong). Her research work conducted together with her colleagues has brought her three international prizes: Distinguished Award STC NY Metro Chapter (2008), International Technical Publications Competition Merit Award Winner (2008) and Enrique Alcaraz Research Award (2015).

Ivana Marenzi, PhD (F), is senior researcher at the L3S Research Center, Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany.
She obtained her PhD on the interplay between Content and Language Integrated Learning and Web2.0. Her main area of research in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) includes the support of collaborative and lifelong learning.
As educational technologist her main interest is dealing with issues related to the adoption of new technologies in education. She collaborated in international European projects such as TENCompetence, TERENCE, LinkedUP (Linking Web Data for Education) and LA4S (Learning Analytics for Small Universities).
read her profile at:

Ilaria Moschini is tenured researcher in English Linguistics at the University of Florence (Italy), Department of Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies, where she teaches “Critical Discourse Analysis” to undergraduate students at the School of Humanities, bachelor degree course in Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies and “Multimodal Discourse Analysis” to postgraduate students at the School of Political Science, master degree course in Strategic Political and Public Communication.
Her main research interests are US political and institutional language, US culture and media/new media language that she investigates using a framework that combines systemic functional linguistics and critical discourse analysis with a socio-semiotic approach to multimodality.
She has published several essays on the linguistic/semiotic analysis of texts from different discursive areas (politics, advertising, media) and a book the evolution of the American imaginary. She has taken part in many international conference and is member of the Italian Association of English Studies (AIA), the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), the Italian Association of North American Studies (AISNA), the European Association of American Studies (EAAS) and the Interuniversity and International Research Group CLAVIER (Corpus and Language Variation in English Research).
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